How do I get rid of greasy-smelling hair?
If a person's hair smelly stinky or greasy, it could be due to poor hygiene or an oily
scalp. When the sebaceous glands secrete excess sebum, it will interact with the dust
and the microorganisms on the scalp, and trigger inflammations. That not only
produces an unpleasant smell but may also cause folliculitis and seborrhoeic
dermatitis. When skin aging worsens, the sebaceous glands' ability to regulate
sebum secretion will be reduced, and it will become a vicious cycle from then on.
There are many reasons for abundant sebum secretion, including genetics, diet, and
the way you wash your hair. If you want to get rid of greasy hair and prevent issues
caused by scalp aging—such as sebum secretion imbalance, light hair loss, thinning
hair, and breakage—start doing these four things when you cleanse your hair :
1. Carefully choose a mild, non-irritating shampoo with natural ingredients
2. Avoid washing your hair excessively
3. Avoid using water that is too hot and blow drying at too high of a temperature
4. Avoid excessive dyeing and perming
Another thing you need to pay attention to is that many people with oily scalp buy
shampoo with strong cleansing effects to remove sebum completely, but they
actually end up with the opposite of what they want because cells secrete more
sebum to protect the scalp when they sense that there isn't enough there. After
several cycles, the cells' mechanism for self-regulation will collapse, so be careful.