Which common summertime skin issues have you had?
Various skin issues are likely to appear in the summer, such as:
1. Sunburn:
Symptoms include redness, pain, swelling, blisters, mild headache, and fever.
2. Sweat rash/prickly heat:
Sweat rash (miliaria crystallina) and prickly heat (miliaria rubra) are caused by sweating during hot, humid weather. They are prone to appear in areas of the body that don't get as much ventilation as the rest, such as the chest, back, underarms, groin, and thighs.
3. Mosquito and insect bites:
After mosquitoes or other insects bite you, their saliva or venom—which contains antigenic components—enters the skin, triggers an inflammatory reaction, and causes atopic dermatitis or even encephalitis in serious cases.
4. Photosensitivity:
This is when your skin develops sensitivity, redness, swelling, pain, or a burning sensation when it's exposed to sunlight. The symptoms are similar to those of mosquito bites, eczema, sweat rash and blisters, and often they are recurring.
To deal with the aforementioned issues, many consumers rely on steroid creams prescribed by their dermatologists; however, long-term dependence on them will not only cause drug resistance but also weaken the skin's immunity. Therefore, it is recommended that people choose natural skin care products that contain lactoferrin-derived peptides for long-term skin care and enhancing the skin's defenses.